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Some ways to identify authentic honey


 Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 

Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news According to the definition of the National Honey Board of Bangladesh “Honey is a pure substance without the addition of water or any other sweetening matter. Honey is much sweeter than sugar. Liquid honey does not spoil, because bacteria die in the process of plasmolysis due to its high concentration of sugar. Natural airborne yeast cannot be active in honey, because honey has very little water content. Natural, unprocessed honey has only 14% to 18% moisture. As long as the moisture level is below 18%, no bacteria can grow in the honey. Pasteurized honey reduces the natural medicinal properties of honey.Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
Use of honeySome ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
Athletes in ancient Greece ate honey on the field because honey contains high levels of fructose and glucose, which build glycogen reserves in the liver. Eating honey before sleeping at night improves brain function. Regular consumption of honey reduces diseases because honey increases the immune system of the human body. Honey works well in the cold; Pennsylvania State College experiments have shown that a spoonful of honey is more effective than any over-the-counter medicine. Honey has high anti-virus capacity. Honey helps in digestion. Honey is especially beneficial for petro-humans. Honey has been used to heal wounds since ancient times in Greece and Egypt. A 2007 University of Sydney study found honey to be more effective than medical dressings for most wounds and injuries. Honey is also very beneficial for inflamed skin. Some ways to identify authentic honey

Let us know some ways to know authentic honey –Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
1. Freezing test:Keep the honey in the fridge. Pure honey will not congeal. Adulterated honey will settle to the bottom if it does not freeze completely.Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
2. Ant test: Take a few drops of honey in a piece of paper. Then put it where the ants are. If the ant does not touch the edge of the honey, then it is pure honey. And if the ant likes it, there is adulteration in the honey. Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
3. Eye test: Put a very small amount of honey in the eye. If it is genuine, first the eyes will burn and the eyes will water and after a while there will be a cold feeling in the eyes. (Encouraging this test) Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
4. Solubility test: Take one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. Shake the glass very slowly. If water dissolves completely with honey, then it is adulterated. And if it is in the form of small lumps in the water, then it is pure honey.Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
5. Methylated Spirit Test : Mix equal proportions of honey and methylated spirit and keep stirring. Pure honey will settle to the bottom without dissolving. And the adulterated honey will dissolve and milk the methylated spirit. Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 
6. Flame test: Take a cotton swab and dip one end of it in honey. Then lift it and give it a light shake. Light a candle or lighter and catch it on fire. If it burns then the honey is pure and if it doesn't burn then there is water mixed in the honey. If a small amount of water is mixed with honey, the cotton wick will continue to burn but a crackling sound will be heard. Some ways to identify authentic honey

7. Absorption Test:Take few drops of honey on a blotting paper and observe. Pure honey will not be absorbed by the blotting paper. Adulterated honey will moisten the blotting paper.Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 

8. Stain test: Take a small amount of honey on a white cloth and after some time wash the cloth. If there is any stain on the cloth after washing, then the honey is adulterated. And if there is no stain, then the honey is pure. Some ways to identify authentic honey

9. Honey Comb Test:A glass or white colored bowl contains one and a half to two teaspoons (made of plastic) of honey. Then slowly pour cold water around the bowl. Stop pouring water when the water covers the honey. Then pick up the bowl and spin it anti-clockwise for two minutes. Pure honey will not dissolve in water even after this movement and will have a hexagonal shape that looks almost like a honey comb. Check out the image of Honeycomb below –   Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 

10. Visual method: Without these tests, you can be sure of pure honey if you can collect the honey from the hive yourself. Some ways to identify authentic honey
Some ways to identify authentic honey,Global news collection 

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